
History of the Female Orgasm

Female pleasure runs deep. It’s varied, complex and as individual as a fingerprint, and understanding your unique anatomy is key to unlocking your pleasure for life.  And you...

Platonic Intimacy

You know your friends are essential, whether you’re a social butterfly with a wide circle or an introvert with one or two besties. But often it seems like...

5 Feelings to Gift This Valentine's Day

When we’re thinking of ideas for Valentine’s Day gifts – whether it’s chocolate, flowers, a romantic night out, something sexy for the bedroom, or all of the above...

9 Sexual Wellness Trends To Watch in 2023

What’s hot in sexual wellness is a constantly evolving topic — that’s why we end up with so many unique and beneficial products. Here are 10 sexual wellness...

CBD Salves: What Are They, and Should You Be Using One?

CBD salves are having a moment as more and more people catch on to their potent benefits. We’re big believers in the power of CBD and how it...

Here's What To Know About Vaginal Suppositories

When you think about taking a supplement, how do you assume you will take it? Orally? Maybe topically? What if we told you that there was something you...

Why Does My Stomach Hurt After Sex? 5 Causes

Pain during sex isn’t uncommon, but it is unfortunate. If you’re asking yourself, “why does my stomach hurt after sex?” we’re here to do what we can to...

The Problem With Self-Care: A Stand-Alone Solution To Stress?

“Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -...

5 Ways To Make Your Bath Sexier Than Ever Before

While showering has become the norm for a quick and convenient wash, a warm bath offers an environment for grounding, recentering, reflection, and relaxation. Plus, it’s easy to...

How To Increase Female Libido Instantly – Or Should You?

There’s a lot of talk about libido and what our sex drive as vulva-havers should look like. But there is no should when it comes to sex.  No...

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