A regenerative farm is a whole world of intertwined natural networks, operating through interconnectedness and holistic management of resources – just like Mother Earth herself has always done.
That may not sound very sexy, but think about it: interdependence, sharing, understanding, and fluid communication between the bodies of living beings lie at the very heart of intimacy of all kinds.
What could be hotter?
That’s why we source all of our CBD from hemp farms that go beyond organic by utilizing regenerative practices, designed not only to preserve the land, but return it to a healthier state than before it was planted.
Here are some of the real-life people who contribute to the Foria formulas you love, from the ground up.
Meet Materia
Materia Regenerative is Foria’s partner in supplying the all-natural and organic CBD that’s the backbone of many of our bestselling formulas, but supplying responsibly-farmed hemp products to brands that care is just a fraction of their mission.
Materia’s goal is to champion the role hemp can play in helping address the world's environmental crisis, by introducing both farmers and brands to the true power of regenerative agriculture.
The diverse team that makes up Materia also promotes education about the benefits of regenerative practices to farmers and backyard gardeners alike, weaving an inspiring story that goes well beyond the crop itself.
And we love good storytellers around here.
Unfortunately, in this day and age “hot” doesn’t only mean sexy. Human industry has released excessive carbon dioxide into our atmosphere, causing the planet to warm up – with frightening implications for all living things.

Fortunately, regenerative agriculture is a key method that humankind can use to help slow climate change, and even reverse some of the damage. Here’s Materia’s Evan Potter on how his team is helping to create a future that’s hot in a good way.
Foria: Can you explain the basics of carbon-negative regenerative agriculture?
Evan Potter: From a fundamental standpoint, what we're trying to do is use agriculture as a way to sequester carbon out of the atmosphere. And then, through minimal-till techniques and other techniques, not disturb the soil in order to prevent releasing that carbon back into the atmosphere. So in essence, we are pulling more carbon out of the air than we are emitting throughout the farming process, thereby making it net carbon negative.
What’s a sustainability tip you would recommend?
I would recommend that consumers try to pay attention to where your food comes from, and be conscious of where it's coming from – if you can, source [food] where you know it was grown. If that's not an option, try to source something that's regionally grown, organic, and just be conscious and try to place your dollars towards the brands that are emphasizing traceability in the supply chain and regenerative components of where things are grown. That certainly helps to support local farmers like us.
What's something different that your farm does, that folks might not know about?
I think we're unique in that we try to work with farms and with people that want to incorporate hemp as a rotational crop into their regenerative crop rotation. We won't only work with fully regenerative farmers; we also like to work with farmers who are working towards the transition to regenerative agricultural practice.
We understand it's a work in progress. Progress often doesn't happen overnight. And I'm proud of what we do to help convert land to either organic or regenerative agricultural practices.
We might think of our natural ecology as consisting only of plants, animals, and other wild things. But humans are also part of these natural networks, so building community is an essential step in the process of regeneration – and Materia’s diverse and growing community includes many people who don’t mind getting their hands dirty (if you catch our drift).
Meet Shani Coleman
Shani Coleman moved from Nebraska to Colorado at 23 to study painting, but followed an unexpected path from working in a dispensary to farming hemp as a full-time job, including participating in a Colorado State University research project that studied how to use hemp cultivation to remove toxic contaminants from soil.
She’s not only a farmer who grows hemp for food and CBD oil, but also a pioneering member of a growing movement dedicated to exploring cutting-edge agricultural practices and discovering new possibilities for what this amazing plant can do to help restore the earth.

Shani on being a marginalized woman in farming:
“I feel a great sense of pride knowing that I am contributing to a more equitable agricultural community. Being marginalized only further motivates me and reminds me that I have a responsibility to other women and people of color in the industry. Every day is an opportunity to work towards equality.”
On her favorite part of the hemp farming process:
“Harvest is the most grueling and challenging process, but the most rewarding time of the season. It is the culmination of all your planning, care, maintenance and research. Especially with hemp harvest, it is a test of mental and physical strength depending on your harvest method. You really find out what you’re made of!”
On her favorite thing about hemp:
“I love the versatility of hemp! The most significant function of this plant is its ability to aid in addressing climate change by sequestering large amounts of carbon, as well as the amount of organic matter added to soil from the extensive root systems, remaining stubble and fan leaves.”
Hot Farmers, Hot Future, Hot You
By supporting brands like Foria, whose missions encompass supporting the health of the earth and your body (and your sex life!), you’re contributing to a much brighter future for all.
The work of adapting, growing, changing, and being mindful of the impact of how we live and what we do is never complete. It’s an ongoing process that encompasses the deepest aspects of the very rhythms of life on our beautiful Mother Earth.
In this day and age, that task can seem daunting – or we can let it inspire us to keep learning, growing, exploring, and getting to know the people who are working to create a better world.
Now that’s hot.

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