
Your First Time Using Relief Salve With CBD and Kava

How to get the most out of Relief Salve.

Do CBD Gummies Work? The Truth About Edibles

Sometimes it seems like CBD has taken over the world. It’s in chocolate and soda and colorful gummies of every variety, from the classic bears to sour peach...

Interview: Natural Solutions for Period Pain

Nicole Jardim — aka "The Period Girl" — is a Certified Women's Health + Functional Nutrition Coach with a specialty in hormonal and reproductive health.   Her holistic approach to menstrual wellness...

Sex, CBD & Holiday Survival: 5 Tips For A Merry Time

Holiday Fantasy Can we please ditch the expectation that the holiday season is always fun and relaxing?  There *are* those unicorn years when we get to go where we dream, see whomever we...

New Product: Foria's Intimacy CBD Suppositories for Arousal and Pleasure

Get ready to deepen your pleasure, with a new way to bring CBD into the bedroom! In less than a week's time, we'll be launching our new Intimacy Suppositories—designed...

CBD Oil: Risks, Side Effects And What You Need To Know

CBD oil is generally safe to take, but there may be risks and side effects How CBD oil may react with your other medications Who shouldn't take CBD oil? For many...

CBD Oil and Holistic Remedies for IBS

Discover the current research on irritable bowel syndrome Clarifying the relationship between IBS and leaky gut syndrome Learn about the best natural remedies for IBS How CBD oil can be used to...

Can CBD Oil Help Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?

How cannabis and CBD oil can be effective in treating IBD CBD isolate or full-spectrum hemp extract: what works best Learn about any risks or downsides The Science: Can Cannabis...

How To Fly Without A Broom: Sex, Sexism, Witches & Weed

“Banish therefore these pernicious plants out of your gardens, and all places neere to your houses, where children or women with child do resort, which do often times...

Can You Use Coconut Oil As A Lube?

What's the story with coconut oil and sex? Can you use coconut oil as lube? Can you put coconut oil on your vagina? Will it cause a yeast...