Natural Relief from Menstrual Pain — Could CBD Help?

The time is long past due for effective, natural & safe alternatives for the countless women who suffer from debilitating menstural pain.

Now there's an opportunity to change that, with a research study on the potential impact of CBD-infused vaginal suppositories—and the study is seeking volunteers.

In collaboration with Staci Gruber, PhD the study will follow women over the course of two menstrual cycles to determine the potential impact of Foria's CBD Suppositories on pain, cramping, and other symptoms of menstruation.


Fill out this questionnaire to see if you qualify.

Read on to learn more about the study....

The Problem

Women's complaints about painful menstruation (often due to conditions like PCOS and endometriosis) are frequently downplayed or dismissed.

Many women rely on treatments like hormonal birth control, ibuprofen and opioids to manage pain — all of which can have unpleasant and even dangerous side-effects throughout your body.

The Study

In Winter 2019, Dr. Staci Gruber, PhD will conduct a research study following several hundred women after they have the opportunity to use Foria's CBD Suppositories.

This observational study will track the potential impact of that product in treating women’s menstrual pain & discomfort.

The study aims to raise awareness regarding the use of cannabinoid-based therapies for menstrual pain and the potential for innovation in treating this condition.

Who's Involved?

Dr. Staci Gruber, PhD

Dr. Gruber is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and the Director of Marijuana Investigations for Neuroscientific Discovery (MIND) Program and the Cognitive and Clinical Neuroimaging Core (CCNC) at McLean Hospital.

For more information about this research, please contact the study team at or call (617) 855-3653.

How It Will Work...

Interested applicants will complete a baseline survey over the internet, which takes approximately 15 minutes to complete. (The survey is here.)

Foria will provide suppositories free of charge to eligible participants. 

Participants have the option to elect to use Foria during their periods throughout the study, but are not required to use Foria in order to participate in the study.

After one month & two months, participants will receive automated follow-up surveys to determine whether they used Foria for menstrual pain, and if so, will assess the potential impact of the product on menstrual-related symptoms.

All information shared with her research team will be kept confidential.

What's In Foria's Suppositories?

Many  products for sex and feminine hygiene are made with synthetic petrochemical ingredients known to mimic estrogen and exacerbate various conditions. 

That's why Foria's ingredients are all-natural and 100% organic or else grown without chemical pesticides. 

Foria's CBD Suppositories are made from broad-spectrum CBD extracted from USA hemp that's sustainably grown without harmful chemicals.

The suppository itself combines 100mg of CBD with organic-certified cocoa butter, and is independently tested for purity — ensuring it's free of pesticides, heavy metals, microbes and other toxins.

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