How to Plan a Sexy Valentine's Date Night In

This Valentine’s Day, get back to basics — and by “basics,” we mean your five senses. Sight, sound, smell, touch, and taste are the roots of how we perceive our reality. With our at home Valentine’s Day ideas, you and your partner can examine how those senses really impact how you experience your world – together – and can create a night you’ll never forget.

There are countless reasons you may want to spend Valentine’s Day at home with your loved ones. It can be hard to find reservations at a restaurant without months of forethought, and traditionally romantic surprises (like a couple’s massage or romantic getaway) can be expensive. 

Plus, romantic Valentine’s Day dates can be pretty generic. We’re supposed to want candlelight, chocolates, soft music, and rose petals — but what if we don’t? That’s definitely not everyone’s vibe (although there’s nothing wrong with you if it is — more power to you!).

As lovely as all those things are, wouldn’t you prefer Valentine’s Day options that are unique, specific to what you’re into,and turn you on faster, hotter, and better than your average Valentine’s day trope? 

Stock up on your faves from Foria’s Intimacy Collection (or maybe just try a little tease) and read on.

What Are Some Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day at Home?

Just because you’re not doing the traditional night out doesn’t mean you can’t have a romantic date at home. Don’t be afraid to step outside the box and try something new! 

We’ve got some ideas to make this year the sexiest, most exciting Valentine’s Day yet. 

Clear the Calendar

Life is busy, and you probably don’t have nearly enough time with your partner as you’d like. When was the last time you had uninterrupted time to spend with your significant other without a time constraint? 

One of the most romantic things you can do this Valentine’s Day is to clear your calendar and make sure that you have all the time in the world to spend with the person who means the most to you. Cutting out the distractions and focusing all your time and attention on your partner makes them feel extra special, and what better day to show them how much you care! 

After all, it’s not about the money or the gifts; it’s about the time you spend with the love of your life (and what that says about where they fall on your priority list). 

How Do You Plan a Romantic Evening Date In?

Sure, being spontaneous can be fun — but putting some thought into your at-home Valentine’s Day ideas is the only way to guarantee a successful night. Don’t worry; we’ll walk you through everything you need to know.

Setting the stage.

For starters, consider changing your usual environment so it becomes unusual. This is a great opportunity for romantic collaboration. 

Roses and candlelight are the standard V-Day suggestions, but what if you’d rather have orchids and blacklight? Or daisies and sunshine? 

Or you could have an adventure and find your flowers from an out-of-the-ordinary source, and festoon the whole place with Christmas lights (for the lazy, a great way to disguise messes) when you return.

The idea here is to figure out what you like, what you find romantic and stimulating, and construct your environment accordingly. Guess what: this is foreplay.

In the realm of the senses.

Even before you start building the set for your theater of love, have a freewheeling conversation with your lover about what sensations turn you on. 

Share memories, free-associate, submerge in your streams of consciousness. Try passing notes if you’re shy, or swap a journal. The goal is to find the places where your turn-ons overlap, and then lean into them until you never want to leave.

Really truly feeling is key to getting out of our heads and into our bodies, which makes for out-of-this-world intimacy. To start, know thyself.


Some of us are more visually attuned than others. Many people know exactly what sights and images turn them on, down to the last detail; others aren’t erotically stimulated by visuals at all, and some enjoy a more ambiguous turn-on – “the color lavender” as opposed to “a cheerleader outfit”, for instance. 

Regardless of what you think you find sexy to look at, Valentine’s Day at home is a fantastic opportunity to discover – or rediscover – new ways to tickle your libido via your hungry eyes.

Did one scene in a movie really get you going, but you’re not quite sure why? Try revisiting it, and see what happens. Do you have a favorite scene in porn that you’ve never shared with your partner? Here’s a perfect opportunity. Do you have an outfit that you feel sexy in? Put it on and describe those feelings. 

The point here is to break out of your usual routine – it’s a holiday, after all.


When we think about the romance of sound, we might imagine Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet”, smooth jazz, or seductive R&B – the music that plays under sexy scenes in movies, and for good reason!

But what if other music or sounds turn you on, even if it doesn’t fit the “romantic” mold? Guess what – it’s romantic. If it feels sexy to you, it is.

If you met your first real, libido-awakening crush at a punk show, and the band will always remind you of sweating all over each other in the mosh pit – that sounds pretty dang romantic to us. Find a live recording on YouTube and try a dramatic reenactment (careful with the furniture!)

Or maybe it isn’t music that rings your bell, but sounds. Heavy rain, wordless whispering, pounding surf, the roaring engines at a monster truck demolition rally… if it turns you on, it counts.

And if you’ve never tried audio erotica, we’re huge fans. Put something spicy on the stereo and don’t be surprised if you never make it to the bedroom.


“How do you like to be touched?” is such a hot phrase. And most of us know how we like to be touched, and how our partner does – especially if we’ve been together for a long time. But do we really? Is there another realm of touch that we love, but don’t think of as “sexy”... yet?

Sometimes, there are aspects of touch that we indulge in privately, that feel good to us – but it would never occur to us to share. Perhaps a snug, utilitarian corset, the kind that’s intended to make clothes look better. Underwear designed for a gender other than ours. Heels just a little too high or too tight. Unusual textures – sandpaper, ribbed cotton, the kids’ toy slime, and so forth.

Again, breaking the mold of what’s considered “sexy” can be key to unearthing what we really find sexy. People are strange, strange can be very hot, and sharing our version of strange is tantalizing, vulnerable and deeply intimate.

And if you don’t know how your partner really likes to be touched, or how you do – what better time to find out than a Valentine’s Day date at home?

Smell and taste.

These are primal, mysterious senses, and deeply connected with memory. Smell and taste are also profoundly grounding; if you’ve ever cooked a great meal for someone and watched them fall silent, you know what we mean. Delicious aromas and flavors can get you into your body like nothing else.

Like “sexy” music, there’s a limited list of “sexy” foods most people in Western culture can easily identify. Chocolate, oysters, caviar, strawberries and cream – in the popular lexicon, romantic foods tend to be rich, bite-sized, and expensive. 

But what if someone’s allergic to seafood, or someone has never admitted they’re not a huge fan of chocolate, or the budget doesn’t allow for patisserie swans?

There’s a good chance that one or both of you find an edible or two deeply sexy, even if you’d never see it featured in a romantic movie. 

The living-on-the-edge danger of the best tacos in town, cadged from a truck next to a gas station. Blood-pumping Thai curry, singing with fish sauce and chile pepper. Reenacting the spaghetti scene from “Lady and the Tramp”. 

Or maybe the sexiest thing imaginable is not having to cook, and sending your partner out for an assortment of no-effort nibbles.

Again – if it’s an aphrodisiac to you, it’s an aphrodisiac!

And speaking of… we designed Awaken, our cult-favorite arousal oil, to serve dual duty. Its effective all-natural and organic botanicals work with your body to heighten sensation and access to orgasm – and it also smells and tastes delicious. 

We’ve heard from members of our community that just a whiff of Awaken turns them on – and our Intimacy Bath Salts feature the same scent profile. Cover all your bases and start making some juicy memories. (Or make it a Quickie!)

Bringing it home.

So you’ve had your unique, customized, throw-out-the-playbook-and-get-wild Valentine’s Day at home. You’ve tuned in, turned on, and had all the orgasms you can stand.

What are you gonna do now? Clean up the mess and go to sleep?

You could – but we suggest continuing to explore what makes you happy, even if the sex part is over for now. Try reading to each other – maybe something funny. Build a blanket fort in the living room. (If the kiddos are out with a sitter, they’ll be delighted when they get home.) Record Sunday’s big game, make a pact to avoid spoilers, and finish your date night rooting for your team as hard as you can.

Or whatever else you can think of! The trick is to get real with you. 

Valentine’s Day comes once a year, but you can bring this year’s lessons with you for a long, long, sexy time.

The Bottom Line

At-home Valentine’s Day ideas don’t have to be cliche and certainly don’t have to be heart-shaped. This Valentine’s Day, go all out and spoil your partner in a different way — by engaging their senses and luxuriating in all the beautiful things in life. 

Then, take what you’ve learned about each other into the other 364 days of the year. The best, hottest, and longest-lasting relationships involve taking the time to truly connect, not just on holidays but every single day of your lives.


Sex Differences in Response to Visual Sexual Stimuli: A Review | PubMed

Why Do Smells Trigger Memories? | Scientific American

Great Relationships Require Hard Work, But Not Forever | Psychology Today


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